What are the Features and Benefits of C Programming Language?

What are the Features and Benefits of C Programming Language

Dennis Ritchie developed the C programming language at Bell Labs in 1972-1973.

C programming language is mainly used in system programming. It is implemented in operating systems and embedded system applications.

C language preferred more than interpreted language due to its speed and stability.  Near universal availability of this language made it very popular even for the beginner coder.


  1. Simple
  2. Fast and Efficient
  3. Machine Independent or Highly Portable
  4. General Purpose Language
  5. Middle level programming language
  6. Structured programming language
  7. Rich Library with rich functions
  8. Memory Management
  9. Pointers
  10. Recursion
  11. Easy Extensible
  12. Procedural Language
  13. Modularity
  14. Statically Type
  15. Rich set of built in Operators

1. Simple

C is simple programming language. Many beginners learner of programming language start their journey of programming from this C programming language.

So, if you are beginning to learn programming then you can even think about this language.

2. Fast and Efficient

In speed C programming language is fast and efficient as the compilation and execution time of C language is fast. It is fast because it has lesser inbuilt functions.

3. Machine Independent or Highly Portable

Another a great feature of C programming is it is not like assembly language, rather it is highly portable language as this language is executable in different machines. This makes C programming language a machine independent language.

4. General Purpose Language

This language is used in wide range of fields, like it is used in system software, database software, photo editing software and the list goes on. This features made C programming language a general purpose programming language.

C programming is used for programming Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating system.

It is also used for programming Oracle, MySQL etc.

5. Middle level programming language

C is also called as a middle level programming language because even though C programming is basically used for low level programming but it is also for some high level programming, this feature made C a middle level programming language.

6. Structured programming language

This C program can be broken down in to the parts using functions, this is the reason C language is also called a structured programming language. Functions in C programming are with code reusability. This language is easy to understand and bring change.

7. Rich Library with rich functions

C library supports a collection of functions which made this language a beginner friendly programming language, even a beginner programmer can code easily due to this feature of C programming language.

We can even make our own functions and use by adding in C library.

8. Memory Management

We can manage the memory in C language. Dynamic memory allocation can be done in this programming language. We can manage the allocated memory by making it free just by free () function.

9. Pointers

Pointers feature is there in C programming language. You can use pointer for various things such as functions, array, memory etc. Pointer can be used for working with memory in C.

10. Recursion

We can backtrack by recursion in C language. Function can be called within a function which offers code reusability for every function.

11. Easy Extensible

C is easy extensible which mean it can accepts new features and more features along with operations can be added into c even though the programming is already written.

12. Procedural Language

In C language predefined programs are performed in a step by step procedural manner.

It uses some instruction step by step to inform the computer what to do, so it works on procedures mean routine manner.

13. Modularity

The C programming codes can be stored in the form of a library for using it again and again in future is known as modularity. Our common problems can be solved by the library provided by C, the power of this programming language is in its library.

14. Statically Type

The variable in C programming is checked at the time of compilation not at the run time. Whenever the programmer types a program they need to mention the used variable type. This feature made this C language a statically type language.

15. Rich set of built in Operators

C is broadly expanded programming language which has a rich set of built in operators. This built in operators are used when scripting simple or complex programs in C language.

If you have any question or suggestion, feel free to write in comment section below. I will try my best to reply as soon as possible.

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