How to Become an Ethical Hacker – Complete Guide

How to Become an Ethical Hacker - Complete Guide

Becoming an ethical hacker is a smart career choice for those, who are interested in IT and Security. It is a prestigious career, where you can work with private and government sectors both.  As the data is so precious, keeping it save is also very essential.

Hacker means a person who is highly skilled in coding and operating systems. Now the day’s hacker word is used widely, due to the rapid advancement of the technology.


  1. What is ethical hacking?
  2. Who is an ethical hacker? Or Ethical hacker meaning
  3. How to Become an Ethical Hacker?
  • Take a quality course
  • Be skilled in HTML
  • Use UNIX as well as UNIX-like OS 
  • Learn Programming languages
  • Read the best books on ethical hacking
  • Network with other ethical hackers
  • Attend Hacking Conference
  • Be updated with the Latest Tools
  • Read blogs and watch YouTube channel related to ethical hacking
  • Be a problem solver
  • Be a continuous learner
  1. Types of Hackers
  2. Ethical hacker salary
  3. Jobs for Ethical Hacker
  4. Why You Should Learn Ethical Hacking?
  5. Some famous ethical hackers
  6. What skills are required to become an Ethical Hacker?
  7. Qualities for good ethical hacker
  8. Qualifications and skills needed to become a Certified Ethical Hacker(CEH)
  9. How can I find a job as a hacker?

1. What is ethical hacking?

Ethical hacking is the process of entering into the system of networks to find out the threats, vulnerabilities or attacks attempted by the attacker to steal or leak data illegally.

Generally, it is all about securing a network by preventing exploitations of data in an organization by using penetration testing or other process.

2. Who is an ethical hacker? Or Ethical hacker meaning

Ethical hackers uses their skills, experience some specific methods to find the security issues in the network of an organization. Their intention is to prevent the work of cyber criminal.

 An ethical hacker is also known as a white hat hacker is responsible for using the advance technologies to protect the data and the systems of an organization by securing the systems.

The ultimate goal of ethical hacker is to protect the organization from cyber attacks.

3. How to Become an Ethical Hacker?

Becoming an ethical hacker is not an easy way or overnight dream. It takes a lot of effort and hard work for becoming a real successful ethical hacker.

Thanks to the modern advance technology that made the learning easier and affordable.

Here is the list of 11 steps for becoming an ethical hacker.

Step # 1 : Take a quality course

Step # 2 : Be skilled in HTML

Step # 3 : Use UNIX as well as UNIX-like OS 

Step # 4 : Learn Programming languages

Step # 5 : Read the best books on ethical hacking

Step # 6 : Network with other ethical hackers

Step # 7 : Attend Hacking Conference

Step # 8 : Be updated with the Latest Tools

Step # 9 : Read blogs and watch YouTube channel related to ethical hacking

Step # 10 : Be a problem solver

Step # 11 : Be a continuous learner

Step # 1 : Take a quality course

If you want to give a try for the ethical hacking and want to check if it is for you, then go for some free courses or follow YouTube videos on ethical hacker.

But if you are serious about your goal of becoming an ethical hacker than go for a bestselling or highly positively rated course, so that you don’t waste your precious time by moving to different courses.

There are many courses available on online learning platforms. But finding out the best one is crucial because in that way you save your time and money both.

Step # 2 : Be skilled in HTML

If you are new programmer than it is recommended that you learn HTML. It stands for Hyper text mark up language. The browser reads this language and translates the content according to that.

Every web pages are made by using this html, so in order to investigate into a web page you need to know the this language.

HTML is easy to learn, you can learn this within 10 to 15 days.

Step # 3 : Use UNIX as well as UNIX-like OS

In order to learn the use of internet you need to learn UNIX or UNIX like operating system. Even though learning about internet can be done by using other operating system but for becoming a hacker you must learn UNIX.

There are many Operating Systems similar to UNIX but the most popular is Linux, and this operating system can be used in system with Microsoft windows operating system.

Linux is an open source operating system which you can get for free. All the hackers go through this process of learning Linux or other UNIX like operating system.

Step # 4 : Learn Programming languages

If you are determined to become an expert ethical hacker then you are to learn programming languages.

You can begin with learning Python programming language, as it is a beginner’s friendly and easy to learn language, due to its easy syntax. Python is a general purpose and flexible language even used in large projects.

Second step is learning Java programming language it is not so easy but an advance level programming language, which is used widely.

You can also go for JavaScript or PHP Programming after that. If learn C programming than learning C++ will be easy to learn for you.  

Step # 5 : Read the best books on ethical hacking

There are many good books available on ethical hacking to enhance your skill and knowledge. Get some good books and then go through them.

In order to be a serious and professional ethical hacker, you must learn from other senior ethical hacker and books can help you with that.

Step # 6 : Network with other ethical hackers

It is very essential practice that you connect with other ethical hackers through different medium.

You will learn so many new things from others as well as you will help other to learn new things from you. There are many ways you can connect with other ethical hackers and build a network with them.

Take help of all digital online platforms like facebook page, forum and other social media sites.

Step # 7 : Attend Hacking Conference

Find out if any hacking conference is taking place in your local area. Attend the conference and get to know with the people in involve in ethical hacking.

You will be hugely benefitted by other ethical hackers you meet their in conference. Always carry a spirit of learning so that you can grab every opportunity of learning and moving towards the advancement.

Step # 8 : Be updated with the Latest Tools

Technology is not going to pause in one place, it will continuously move towards advancement, and along with it, you need to be updated with them.

Adopt all the latest tools available that can make you smatter in your career.

 To be a skilled hacker you must use the variety of tools for doing your work most efficiently. Check out these     tools below:

  • Hacker Equipment
  • SPY Goodies
  • Hackerwarehouse
  • Hack5
  • HackaDay

Step # 9 : Read blogs and watch YouTube channel related to ethical hacking

Make a habit of reading blogs and watching YouTube channel talks about ethical hacking, because in this way you will gather much advance knowledge.

You can also create a blog and write about your experience or any technical stuffs that can be helpful for others.

Step # 10 : Be a problem solver

In ethical hacking you actually solve problem by using your technical skills and expertise. So, it is important that you don’t get disturbed by the problem rather take it as a challenge to solve.

When you solve a problem, it is always a good practice that you help other facing the same problem.

Every problem that you solve becomes landmark of your advancement in this career of ethical hacking.

Step # 11 : Be a continuous learner

In order to perform with excellence in ethical hacking you must be a continuous learner.

Keep your eyes on what came new and master it as soon as possible. You can use online and offline both platform to learn continuously to become a successful and excellent ethical hacker.

4. Types of Hackers

Hacking is not legal and a hacker tries to harm others by finding the weak logic and bypass the security functioning.  Whereas an ethical hacker uses the same skill but to help organization by finding the security gaps and fixing them before hacker take advantage.

There are mainly three category of Hackers in broad segregation:

  1. Black Hat Hacker
  2. Gray Hat Hacker
  3. White Hat Hacker

But in the present days hackers are segregated even by the micro tasks, and segregation done in 7 types:

  1. Black Hat Hacker
  2. Gray Hat Hacker
  3. White Hat Hacker
  4. Script Kiddies
  5. Red Hat Hacker
  6. Green Hat Hacker
  7. Blue Hat Hacker

1. Black Hat Hacker

Black hat hacker is real bad people who try to harm others and get money in evil ways. They target financial organizations, banks or any field where they can get money from directly or indirectly.

They try to find the security holes to steal money, credit card information or any privacy data to blackmail others in order to get money. They use their hacking skills for evil purpose.

2. Gray Hat Hacker

Gray hat hackers are the people who are computer security expert basically work with ethical standards but they may sometimes violate laws. But Gray hat hackers do not violate the ethical standard with evil intent like black hat hacker.

3. White Hat Hacker

White hat hackers are the computer security expert with profound skill and knowledge to help organizations to protect their data by fixing any security issue and prevent the black hat hackers to steal anything.

A white hat hacker works with good intention to help others with permissions to access the security system.

4. Script Kiddies

Script Kiddies are unskilled individuals, who copy other’s scripts for their own reputation.

They are not capable of writing sophisticated programs to harm others but they uses others programs for themselves.

These are the people who try to find some easy ways to exploit others by finding the weak security holes with their unskilled knowledge.

5. Red Hat Hacker

Red hat hackers basically refer to a hacker who targets Linux System. They are characterized as vigilantes.

They work like white hats to disarm the black hat hackers but rather than handing the black hat hacker over to the organizations, red hats hackers attack the black hat hackers very severely to destroy their work by damaging black hat hacker’s computer or resources.

6. Green Hat Hacker

The green hat hacker is the passionate newbie to hacking world to become a better and excellent in hacking.

They are the fresher in the hacking game and sometime they are criticised by the skilled hackers due to their little knowledge in the hacking skills.

7. Blue Hat Hacker

If a script kiddie uses his little skills for revenge purpose, he can be called as a Blue hat hacker.

Sometime Blue hat can be refer to the non computer security expert, a person who is a bug testing employer and if they look for exploits, then they can be called as Blue hat hackers.

5. Ethical hacker salary

Average salary of a certified ethical hacker is $ 92,154 in USA, according to payscale.

  • Cyber Security Analyst —– Average salary ($85k)
  • Information Security Analyst —– Average salary ($78k)
  • Cyber Security Engineer —– Average salary ($105k)
  • Security Engineer —– Average salary ($97k)
  • Security Analyst —– Average salary ($74k)
  • Penetration Tester —– Average salary ($92k)
  • Information Security Manager —– Average salary ($117k)

Average Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Salary in India is ₹495,965 per year in India, according to payscale.

  • Cyber Security —– Average salary ₹492,354
  • Linux —– Average salary ₹505,652
  • Computer Security —– Average salary ₹583,264
  • IT Security & Infrastructure —– Average salary ₹550,000
  • Network Security Management —– Average salary ₹494,348

6. Jobs for Ethical Hacker

  • Cyber Security Analyst
  • Information Security Analyst
  • Cyber Security Engineer
  • Security Engineer
  • Security Analyst
  • Cyber Security
  • Linux
  • Computer Security
  • IT Security & Infrastructure
  • Network Security Management
  • Ethical Hacking Manager
  • Security & Infrastructure Analyst
  • Junior Cyber Security Analyst

7. Why You Should Learn Ethical Hacking?

Reasons for Learning Ethical Hacking can be many, here are some:

  • It is a smart choice for good career due to great possibility for Career
  • Ethical Hacking Jobs Trends are rising as per Google Trends data
  • You will never regret for learning it, because it pays value for Investing Time and Money
  • Opportunity of Becoming a Certified Expert and have good reputation
  • Your knowledge of cyber security will become a great power in online world
  • It will make you eligible to test System Security
  • You can expect high salary jobs along with your skills and experience
  • You will be importunate to Know The Hidden Technique and skills
  • It gives you ability to explore various technologies

8. Some famous ethical hackers

Here is the list of some famous ethical hackers in the world:

  • Kevin Mitnick
  • Joanna Rutkowska
  • Charlie Miller
  • Greg Hoglund
  • Tsutomu Shimomura

9. What skills are required to become an Ethical Hacker?

  1. Basic computer skills
  • MS Office
  • Spreadsheets
  • Email
  • Database Management
  • Social Media
  • Web,
  • Enterprise systems
  • Calculations in spreadsheets
  1. Computer Networking Skills
  2. Wireless technologies
  3. Web applications
  4. Linux Skills
  5. Programming language Skills

As an ethical hacker you need to learn these programming languages to become really expert in your field.

  • HTML
  • Python Programming Language
  • Java Programming Language
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • C Programming Language
  • C++ Programming Language
  • Ruby Programming Language
  • Perl Programming Language
  1. Fundamental Hardware Knowledge
  2. Cryptography Skills
  3. Database Skills
  4. Reverse Engineering
  5. Critical Thinking
  6. Problem-solving Skills

10. Qualities for good ethical hacker

  • Should be a pure white hat hacker
  • Always seek the way to make the system more secure and protected
  • Must be a good communicator
  • Need to have professionalism in behaviour

11. Qualifications and skills needed to become a Certified Ethical Hacker(CEH)

Eligibility requires becoming a certified ethical hacker are:

  • Go for Official CEH Training:

Attend the program which is approved by EC-Council.

  • Attempt without Official Training:

If you want to go for the EC-Council certification exam without going for official training, then you are required to:

  1. Have documented information security experience for more than two years
  2. Forward a non-refundable application fee of $100 for eligibility
  3. Complete the CEH exam eligibility form, include verification from your employer and submit it.
  4. When approved EC-Council will send you voucher number through email to register for the CEH examination.

Skills you need for becoming Certified Ethical Hacker:

This is the list of main skills required for CEH examination for becoming a certified ethical hacker.

  • You need to have practical knowledge of computer networking, web applications and telecommunications
  • Expert in computer systems
  • Must use the latest protocols of security for Linux, Windows and Mac operating systems
  • You should be capable to access a network or computer system with permission and find the security holes and fix them
  • Able to prevent the cyber attack by using your skill set
  • Able to crack passwords of different types
  • Must have overall and comprehensive theoretical knowledge of ethical hacking terminologies and others
  • Having good knowledge of cryptography and encryption techniques
  • Possessing good knowledge of most common types of cyber attack and able to handle them

12. How can I find a job as a hacker?

  1. Be active in the white hat hacker’s communities, find the online communities and take part of those.
  2. Go for ethical hacking internship
  3. Find the offline communities and get in touch with other ethical hackers
  4. Apply in different job vacancies in job portals
  5. Your present role should be in security fields

If you have any question or suggestion, feel free to write in comment section below. I will try my best to answer you as soon as possible.

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