How to become a Back-end Developer (complete Guide with skills and salary)

How to become a Back-end Developer (complete Guide with skills and salary)

As the web development going through tremendous growth, need of back end developers are increasing. In this article you will learn, How to become a Back-end Developer (complete Guide with skill & salary) also with other all the information you must know before stepping ahead  to this growing career.

I will guide you, step by step and provide you a complete map to reach you your ultimate goal of becoming a successful backend web developer.

1. What is backend web development?

    • Frontend works with user interaction, a user can only see the frontend of the application through web browsers.


    • The database is basically used as the storage unit of the application. All data related to the application is available in this database.


    • Receiving requests from the frontend server, searching for data from the database, and returning feedback to the client’s browser is done by the backend application.


Back-end development is the activities that happen to the server-side of a website. It refers to the behind the scene of web development.

When a person visit a website, the look and features are seen by the visitor is front-end. It is the contribution of a front-end developer. But there are many back-end works that makes those features of the site more alive and useful. It is the efforts of back-end developer.

Let’s understand this with examples:

When you visit an e-commerce website, what you see on the screen are all front-end, these are the works of front-end developer. And when you add some products on cart and order, this order of your product is stored in back-end and your seller will see that order and proceed to send that product to your address. The work that you cannot see but happening behind is the work of a back-end developer.

Basically, a back end web developer uses a bunch of codes to establish the communication between the database and the browser or the front end of the website.

• Back end meaning

Back end is the part of a website or application that is not seen or accessed by the users of a website or app. mainly, backend handle the work of storing the data and manipulating it.

The back-end works are also known as the server-side works, because back end activities take place in server.

• Front end and Back end

web development is divided into two set of development, one is front-end and the other back-end development.

  • Front-end is the parts of a website or application that a user sees and enjoys with. But the back end part of a website or app is not directly used by users.

  • Back end helps the front end to function in a desired manner by storing and manipulating data, provided by users in the front-end.
Front end deals with the look of a website, design and layouts or responsiveness of a website to be perfectly visible and usable in any device like, mobile, tablet or desktop.

Back end deals with the database and connects the database with the front end.

• Backend programming languages

Learning to write a computer program is one of the most demanded skill in present time. In order to write a program in back end, you need to learn the programming languages. Here is a list of best programming languages for backend.
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • .Net
Programmers use the backend programming languages to create powerful and dynamic sites.

• Backend engineer or developer

Backend engineer or developer are skilled with the backend languages and responsible for handling all the server side backend process functions by developing, maintain and testing the back end codes, application logics, databases, integration of application and API.

2. How to become a Back-end Developer (complete Guide with skill & salary)

Backend developer job is a lucrative job and it pays a good amount of money. It has great demand and it is in growth. So, obviously becoming a backend developer is a great career. Read ahead and discover How to become a Back-end Developer (complete Guide with skill & salary).

There are several milestones; you need to reach to become a successful back end developer. You need to be passionate and steady.

First of all start by learning a backend language. Next, get knowledge about database and logical functions. Be steady and regular in practicing. All these will lead you towards the ultimate milestone.

a) Buy a Bestselling or Highest rated Course / Go for free courses

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” — Benjamin Franklin

You can gather the skills of back end development from many free services, like-enrolling in free courses or by watching youtube videos. But if you are really serious then, I would recommend you to buy a bestselling or highest rated course, where instructor will guide you step by step by following a certain syllabus. You will also get support and a community.

If you go for free platforms, it may require you of more time, because you have to switch the platform frequently. You will not het the complete course together in free.

If you are really serious about becoming a backend developer, then invest some money in your learning, it will give you best interest.

b) Practice Regularly

As you go through the course, you are moving ahead with a specific strategy. In learning skills of backend developer, you need to be ready to practice the skills hour after hours. And this practice must be continuous and regular.

Remember : “slow and steady wins the race” —— Robert Lloyd

Every hour of your practice leads you one step ahead.
Complete every task or assignment given by your instructor. Procrastination can be a great enemy before you.
“The momentum of continuous action fuels motivation, while procrastination kills motivation” by Steve Pavlina.

“Procrastination is the thief of time” by Edward Young

c) Enhance the skills

More the skills you learn, better you become as a developer. You must have a burning zeal to enhance your skills, do not be fixed in same skill.

Learn as many backend languages possible. Be skilled on them. Your skills will make you stand out of the crowd, so never neglect to continuously enhance the skills.

Make your goal to be strongly skilled on the latest and popular technologies.

In this career, you need to be ready to progress with your skills regularly as the technologies progresses.

d) Go for an Internship

When you have accumulated the skills required for back end development. Now is the time to look for internship. Know the followings before joining as an intern:
  • What are your responsibilities?

  • Is the environment fit with your goal?

  • Will you be able to learn and grow new skills?

  • Will this internship be worthy of your time spending there?

  • When you are a learner, do not consider only about money but about the value of time. Because, ultimately time is money.

e) Land in job

As you have learned and practiced the skills enough, now you are prepared for job. Your internship or real projects will add tremendous strength to your knowledge and capabilities.

You can apply in different companies to work as a fulltime back end developer or you may choose to be a freelancer.

There are numerous jobs available in market for back end development. Find out the best one for you and enjoy the fabulous career of back end developer.

3. Backend developer jobs

There are too many backend developer jobs available in job sites.

Checkout this list of some job sites with the backend developer job availabilities:
Job sites Job availabilities

4. Salary of backend developer

I have done a through research on salary of back end developer and provided the data in this article, How to become a Back-end Developer (complete Guide with skill & salary). 

Back end developer are tend to be paid more money than front end developer. But this scenario is changing and the front end is becoming more complex day by day.

Salary of a backend developer is dependent on the skills and experience.

An entry-level back end developer can earn average salary around $65,000 in India.

• Backend developer salary in USA

Data provider Salary
$127,486 per year
$117,284 per year on average
$69,766 per year

• Backend developer salary in India

Data provider Salary
₹ 6,92,051 per year
₹8,12,322 per year
₹462K (median)

5. Back end developer job description, roles and responsibilities

  • Create a reusable code library

  • Implement ongoing security measures

  • Attend regular meetings with the finished team to highlight weaknesses and problems

  • Regularly check the server code for speed optimization

  • Conceptualize and implement solutions for storing data

  • Configure the usability of all front-end applications

  • Maintain a stable server with zero downtime

  • Keep a backup library before making any major changes to the server

  • Manage and review the code provided by the rest of the team and work with them to get it ready for production

  • Create and maintain documentation around features and configurations to save users time

  • Take the initiative to improve the software in small or large ways to address the pain points.

  • Keep the code easy to maintain and easy for others to contribute

6. Skills for back-end developer

 This article, How to become a Back-end Developer (complete Guide with skill & salary) will provide you the detail list of all the skills you required to become a back-end developer.

A back-end developer must be skilled with the followings:

Programming Languages Database Designing
Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, . Net
MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, SQLServer, Redis
caching mechanisms Server
varnish, Memcached, Redis
Apache, Nginx, IIS servers, Microsoft IIS
creations and consumption of REST and SOAP services

Other skills:

  • You must be comfortable with frameworks like Django for Python, Larval for PHP, etc

  • You are expected to have Knowledge of front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, so that you can communicate with the front-end team.

  • You should be able to manage a hosting environment with database administration.

  • You should be able to scale application to manage load changes.

  • You should have sufficient knowledge about accessibility and security compliance.

  • You must possess the Version control experience such as GIT.

  • A backend developer cannot be expected to place commands in every programming language. It is not possible for people to acquire skills in every field. However they are expected to be experts in their chosen language.

7. Back-end developer road map

I hope you are enjoying this article, How to become a Back-end Developer (complete Guide with skill & salary), and learning many basic concepts to step into the career of back end development.

Here is a road map for your journey to become a successful back end developer.

In this road map I will guide you through the essential technologies you need to learn step by step in order to become a back end developer.

  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • Bootstrap 4
  • JavaScript ES6
  • DOM Manipulation
  • jQuery
  • Bash Command Line
  • Git, GitHub and Version Control
  • Node.js
  • NPM
  • Express.js
  • EJS
  • REST
  • APIs
  • Databases
  • SQL
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Authentication
  • Firebase
  • React.js
  • React Hooks
  • Web Design
  • Deployment with GitHub Pages, Heroku and MongoDB Atlas

8. Back end developer course / books

Bestselling and Highest rated courses

At 50+ hours, this web development course is without a doubt the most comprehensive web development course available online.

Even if you have zero programming experience, this course will take you from elementary to Masters. This web development course is one of the highest rated and Bestselling courses in the history of Udemy.

What you’ll learn

  • Be able to create any website

  • Create a portfolio of websites to apply for junior developer work.

  • Create the perfect website and web application for your startup or business.

  • Work as a freelance web developer.

  • Master backend development with nodes

  • You will get the knowledge of frameworks and latest technologies like JavaScript, Bootstrap, MongoDB.

  • You will learn the essential practice of developers.

Bestselling or Highest rated: Bestselling
Duration : 53.5 hours
Rating : 4.7 out of 5 (72,708 ratings)
Enrolled : 229,109 students
Created by : Dr. Angela Yu
You can Sign up Here

Review :

Such a great course. I’ve done a few other courses on Udemy and I have to say Angela has the perfect energy, sense of humour and communication skills to teach this complicated subject. I’m doing this under quarantine for the last two months and I have to say without her daily videos I don’t know how I would have managed at all. I’m definitely looking forward to taking another one of Angela’s courses. But word of warning. Angela is a super-human and you might feel like a bit of a neanderthal in comparison. But don’t worry she gives great tips on getting the most out of your brain, day and life in general. Enjoy! —– Island Hopper

Best Books

1) Head First Java: By Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates

2) Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++: By Bjarne Stroustrup

3) Learn Python The Hard Way: By Zed A. Shaw

4) The Joy of PHP Programming: By Alan Forbes

5) Beginning Node.js: By Basarat Ali Syed

9. How long does it take to become a backend developer?

 You should learn first HTML + CSS then move towards the backend languages and technologies.

If you are dedicatedly learning for 5-6 hours per day than it will take around 9 months to learn the skills but to be expert and master it will take around 4 years.

10. Back-end developer programming languages list

  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Ruby
  • Rust

11. Best back end languages for development

1) python backend

The Open source has emerged as one of the most popular and important languages for language developers, this article, How to become a Back-end Developer (complete Guide with skill & salary), will let you know about some of the powerful open source languages.

 The growing popularity of Python nowadays has made it the language of programming needed to learn.

It is a suitable application language for non-programmers to learn due to its easy syntax.

• django back end

Django is a Python based framework used to develop complete web-applications that include front-end as well as back-end.

For front-end you can use HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript. 

With Django you can develop dynamic web-applications. Python has plenty of libraries with such readability and Django can help you in the rest.

Another great thing is that you can develop REST API with the help of DJango REST framework and REST API can be adopted by any other client side applications, be it web-app, Android or iOS app. So basically the REST API is used to provide common back-end or business logic in every client side application.

2) php backend

Most websites on the World Wide Web use PHP as a backend. The language will be at the top of any list of popular programming languages.

The language is maintained by a very active open source community and can work seamlessly across platforms across Unix, Mac and Windows.

3) javascript backend

• node js backend

Node.js is a server-side runtime environment that allows us to develop backend applications using JavaScript.

From the definition it can be clear that it belongs to the backend part.

You do not need to use any other technology to develop the front of your application. Even Node.js has features like compatible EJS templates that make the application UI.

Basically people prefer to configure it with Angular for a better alternative to the design feature. It uses 2 types of DBMS for databases: Relational and NoSQL DBMS.

4) java backend

Java has gained a reputation as a versatile programming language. Java is used to develop desktops, web and Android.

Even if you like new technologies, languages and frameworks, you can’t ignore the importance of Java. Today there are numerous frameworks based on Java.

The Spring Framework is the most versatile framework of popularity used by developers.

5) c++ back end

One term commonly used for C ++ is “multi-instance”, which means you can write code in a way that uses a mixture of systematic but functional, object-oriented, or programming paradigms.

This flexibility means learning C ++ can be even more challenging; A software engineer can develop one or more of these styles, or combine them with code written in another language.

Major websites such as, eBay, and Google use C ++ for parts of their infrastructure.

6) Ruby

Although the Ruby on Rail Framework has a slightly longer learning curve, it is still one of the most powerful programming languages. There is an active community of developers supporting Ruby.

Good documentation and impressive open source dependence make it one of the best programming languages ​​for backend development.

Ruby’s code is simple and comprehensive, making it easy to use even for complex development projects.  

7) Rust

It is a system programming language, also an open-source.

It is use for speed and safely of memory and for developing new software like game, operating systems, browser components.

The C-type language scores high points while it develops strong back-end structures. This language of programming is relatively new compared to C but it is faster and more secure than C / C ++.

12. Back-end technologies list

Servers, applications and databases communicate with each other.

Back-end Developers uses PHP, Ruby, Python and Java and .net to make application and uses server-side tools such as MySQL, Oracle to find, store, or modify SQL Server data and return it to the user in front-end code.

13. Backend frameworks

Framework has become an important part of every front and backend development in this cutting edge era. Backend developers work with libraries, APIs, web administration, and more.

They are accountable for using the database framework, guaranteeing proper correspondence between different web administrations, and creating backend usefulness. All frameworks have their own characteristics.

People use different frameworks for different reasons. Choose to work in any framework based on the current popularity of the frameworks according to the needs or requirements of the client.

14. Backend developer tools

There are different tools for different tasks. If you have created a simple restaurant application, you may be better off with a larger PHP framework (Symfony, Laravel, etc.), or JS frameworks like Node.js and Meteor.

For medium complex applications, there are always rails, pyramids, etc.

For higher performance, people tend to use compiled languages like Java, C ++, Go, etc. in the backend because it gives overhead performance over the languages they interpret.

15. Find job as a back end developer

• Best job sites for back end developer

Luckily there are a large number of job sites that have a list of developer positions – including junior or entry level developer jobs.

The goal of this article, How to become a Back-end Developer (complete Guide with skill & salary) is to provide you a comprehensive knowledge for becoming a successful back end developer.

Here are the lists of some popular job sites for back end developer:

For Start-up developer

Work from home

• Common job titles for back end web developer

Backend Developer
Back-End Web Developer
Junior Backend developer
Senior Backend Developer
Java Backend Developer
Back End Engineer
Back-End Developer (Python)
Back End Developer
Back End Software Developer
Back End Developer (PHP)

16. Frequently asked questioned by Back-end developer

Here are some frequently asked questioned regarding back end development. One of the aim of this article, How to become a Back-end Developer (complete Guide with skill & salary) is to let you know the answer of the mostly asked questions.

• How much does it cost to become a back-end developer?

If you will go for a University degree, it will cost you a huge amount of money. But if you go for certificate courses from the online learning platforms, it will cost very less and affordable.

There are many bestselling or highest rated courses available. You can check out these bestselling and highest rated courses HERE.

• What is the hourly rate of back-end developer?

Beginners back end developer earns abound $35 to $50 / hours.

An intermediate back-end developer earns around $50 to $100 / hours.

And an expert or experienced back-end developer earns from $75 to $150+ / hours.

• Is back end development hard?

Learning the languages of backend development is quite hard but they are very much possible to learn. You are just required to go through a lot of practice.

Learning HTML is very easy but learning CSS will take some time.

• Is back end harder than front end?

Usually back-end development has always been much more complex and evolved than front-end.

But with the recent trends in UX claims, the development of JavaScript frameworks such as angular and react etc., has become more complex and the user interaction has become more and more significant.

• Can I learn back end development from home?

Yes, it is very much possible to learn the skills from home. You can just take a bestselling or highest rated course from a online learning platform and start following your instructor.

Sincerely complete each and every assignment given by your instructor.

You can check out some bestselling and highest rated courses HERE.

• Can I work from home as a back end developer?

Certainly, you can. There are many freelancing websites available, where you can find the client and work from home.

You can check out these websites:

• What kind of computer a back-end developer need?

Have a laptop or desktop with at least Intel i3 CPU, 4GB RAM and 1920 x 1080 resolution displays.
(Recommended – Intel i5 CPU, 8GB RAM and 1920 x 1080 resolution display)

• Who earns more front end or back-end developer?

Generally, back-end developer tends to get more earning. But with changing of technologies now front end is becoming more complex and earning is almost similar to both developments.

• Should I learn front end or back end first?

Start learning front end languages first and understand how the coding works, so start with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. And then move towards backend languages like PHP, Python or Ruby etc.

• Is Back end web development a dying career?

I will not say it’s going to die, but it’s definitely changing. I think it’s only dying in the sense that some kind of web development will shrink enough and probably die.

It wasn’t before. Technologies are changing, and so are new developers who are proficient in these new technologies.

Web and mobile development teams now need a development team that will be able to address specific business needs and create new features that cannot be easily achieved with the templates available.

• Is it worth being a back end web developer?

Web development is complex, it is also effective if you want to solve complex problems and challenge yourself, you combine it with high demand and high pay (due to both demand and difficulty / responsibility) and you can assume that it is very good That is, as long as you have the skills.

•What is back end coding?

Backend coding is vital role in a website as it connects the frontend web pages with the databases and makes a website fully functional.

The Backend coding and front end coding goes together, to provide the ultimate best user experience to user of the web pages.

17. Back end developer resume guide

Here are the ten guidelines that will make your resume stand out.

  • Don’t make your resume more than two pages long, make it short and sweet.
  • Touch it with the effect of WOW.
  • Consider your contact details as Call to Action (CTA).
  • Think your resume as a landing page so customize it for conversions.
  • Never use photos.
  • Choose a handsome layout with more readability, better fonts.
  • Know the job description and align your resume with it.
  • Emphasize on how you have used you skills to improve a company’s business.
  • Don’t mention any outdated skill in your resume.
  • Do A/B testing with your resume.
This article, How to become a Back-end Developer (complete Guide with skill & salary) is one of the most detailed article currently available on internet. Read more and explore the great knowledge waiting ahead.

18. Back end developer portfolio

Portfolio items are very important, especially when it is the main way to display your past work and experience to your future clients to judge you that are you fit for them or not.

A new and helpful website that displays portfolio items in a clean and interesting way is must.

If you are in backend development and looking for a job, a portfolio is always better than a quality resume.

Employers want to know that you can solve their specific problems and the tech people you will work with want to know that reading / debugging / correcting your code is not a horror.
A good portfolio let them see that you will probably be good for them.

  •  Keep it simple and follow UX conferences.

  • Integrate your resume

  •  Show your contributions especially on Githubs

  •  Finally add your contact information

  • Keep it simple and easy, it will even help you for SEO.

  •  Lead your users to your contact information by providing call to action.

  •  Keep a downloadable pdf copy of your resume, so that it will be easy to send or use.

  • Your site must be responsive. Even if you are not a front end developer still you should at least know this.

19. Back end developer interview

For backend developers, the most important skill is understanding the data structure and understanding the whole system you are working on.

When you face an interview, most of the questions will depend on what ideas you applied when creating an application or basic data structure.

As far as interviews are concerned, the following points are important:

  1. Good command in server side language such as node.js, python or java (not very popular nowadays). Command on a language help you customize the code and reduce your development time.
  2. SQL is an essential skill for back-end developer. Many companies are also using other databases that may be effective depending on the organization.

As far as website of back end developer is concerned, you should have architectural knowledge of the code and should know what you did, and why you did it. 

20. Back end developer internship

There are several websites to apply for internship as a back end developer. Get ready with the common questions that interviewer ask to a back end developer. Google it and gather the information.

You might be paid with low amount but it’s fine if you are really in a learning environment and growing in your expertise.

21. Land a back end developer freelance project or full-time job in a company

After following all the steps, now you are a real back end developer. You can either join a company and work full time or work from home as a freelancer.

I have mentioned a list of website name above for working from home or to work in a company.

So, congratulation! Now you are ready to explore the world of backend development with your skills that you have learned by investing a lot of precious time.

You have showed the seed, watered the plant and now is the time to reap the harvest.

22. Main Takeaways from How to become a Back-end Developer (complete Guide with skill & salary)

Through this article on, ‘How to become a back end developer?’, I have provided a complete Guide From beginning to end, with almost all necessary things that You must know.

  • Once you are determined to become a back end developer, go ahead for a bestselling or highest rated course.

  • You can also have some best books on back end development.

  • Your learning and practice must go hand in hand.

  •  Find a distraction free place for learning. Be completely immerged in learning.

  •  Practice a lot.

  • Do some real projects or go for internship.

  • Work from home or in a company


It can be a common question, ‘how to become a back end developer?’ , if you have decided or want to decide to become a back end developer. That’s why, in this article I have provided the information about How to become a Back-end Developer (complete Guide with skill & salary).

Before you make decision, you should know that backend development job pays a handsome salary with rapid growth along with your level of experience.

You should know your job description with responsibilities and roles before you step in this lucrative field.

Learn about the skills and languages that are required and according to that take a bestselling or highest rated course, than start your journey to learning and practicing.

Prepare your resume and portfolio to face interview. Start your career as a back-end developer.

Remember : ‘ Be patient, be diligent. Consistency is the key’. —– Frank Mir

My recommendation is that don’t give up, if others can do than surely you can do, just fix your eyes towards your goal. Write your goal on a paper and hang it in front of you, when you will see it every day, it will boost your energy.

If you have any suggestion or question, feel free to comment below.

Write your strategy or guidance to become a back end developer in comment, if you are already learning or professional in this field. It will be additional help to the readers.

I hope you have enjoyed this article on How to become a Back-end Developer (complete Guide with skill & salary). If You are willing to learn the skills for back-end development, you can check out the list of bestselling or highest rated courses, HERE.

If you have any question or suggestion, feel free to write in comment section below. I will try my best to answer you as soon as possible.

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